The most popular school speech tournament TEDIS 2025 is back!


22 January 2025

Raise your voice for decent work for all

“Work is the only way to transform the world and make it a better place”

Paulo Freire

Today, young people face critical challenges. Youth unemployment and job insecurity limit their opportunities, undermining their hopes and leading them to a life full of instability. Added to this is the growing number of people who, in desperate search of work, migrate to other countries, often risking their lives in a dehumanising journey full of danger and uncertainty.

For Martin Luther King Jr., ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’, which is why TEDIS invites you this year to defend a fundamental right: universal access to decent work. In this new edition, the tournament focuses on Sustainable DevelopmentGoal (SDG) 8, which promotes inclusive economic growth and uplifting employment for all. The right to decent work is not just an economic issue, it is a matter of social justice and human dignity.

Pope Francis, in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, defends that: ‘Work is a necessity, it is part of the meaning of life on this earth, a path to maturity, human development and personal fulfilment’. Nelson Mandela, a true hero of people’s rights, tirelessly defended that: ‘Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice’.

It is time to reflect on how employment that respects the rights of the most vulnerable can transform lives and contribute to more equitable societies. In a world where labour gaps continue to widen, your ideas can be a turning point to reclaim a fairer future. Participate in TEDIS 2025 and share your vision on the transformative power of decent work for all!

Why participate?

TEDIS 2025 is more than a public speaking tournament: it is a platform for young people to reflect and act on one of the great challenges of our time, in this case universal access to decent work.

TEDIS 2025 gives you the opportunity to:

  • Expose your vision of how decent employment can transform not only the lives of many people, but also entire societies.
  • Develop your public speaking skills and be an influential voice in society.
  • Contribute to a global debate that seeks just and lasting solutions for all.
TEDIS 2025: Showcase your ideas, develop your skills and contribute to just and lasting solutions

How to participate?

  1. Write an inspiring speech.
  2. Register and participate in the online phase.
  3. If you have been selected, present yourself at the on-site final.

What is the theme of the speech?

SDG 8 of the 2030 Agenda: “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”.

You may be inspired

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that more than 200 million people are unemployed worldwide, a figure that includes millions of young people. Confronting this reality with innovative proposals and solutions is key to a fairer future.

In its social doctrine, the Catholic Church invites all, Christians and non-Christians alike, to see work as a source of dignity and personal fulfilment: ‘Work is a good for all, which must be available to all those who are capable of it. A society where the right to work is denied cannot achieve ethical legitimacy and just social peace’.

On the other hand, the SDG 2024 report reminds us that ‘The lack of decent work opportunities remains one of the main causes of poverty and inequality in the world.’ Young people, in particular, are pushed into precariousness or forced to migrate in search of better horizons.

What can I do?

The first step you can take is to look around you: what work needs do you see in your immediate environment? What tools do you have at your disposal to improve the situation? You may also be interested in the actions of the government of your city, community or country. Make your surroundings aware of this reality and share your vision of the importance of achieving an increasingly fair society in which everyone can contribute with their talent and a job well done.

TEDIS 2025 Basis

    1. To be in any grade of secondary school
    2. 1st or 2nd year secondary school students: the speech must last 2 minutes and can be in Catalan or Spanish
    3. 3rd or 4th year secondary school students: the speech must be 3 minutes long and in English
    4. Each student can participate with a single speech in one language only
    5. Each school must register the students and make the payment. There is no limit to the number of participants.
    6. The speech should be original and inspiring and propose ideas for implementing SDG 8
    7. The speeches will be judged according to the TEDIS 2025 rubrics – Online rubric and Final Rubric (watch out Tips)

Tips for a Good Speech

      8. ONLINE PHASE: record and send a video of the speech

      • Registration until 2 February 2025.
      • Submission of the video of the speech before 16 February via the ‘Send the speech’ form.
      • Publication of finalists on 10 March

      9. AWARDS

      • Who: best three speeches of the online phase of each course and language
      • How: face-to-face or live via videoconference
      • When: April 10 at 6:00 p.m.
      • Where: Institució La Farga School (Camí al Papiol, 36 – Mirasol – San Cugat del Vallés)

Get in touch with us through


REGISTRATION: until February 2, 2025
VIDEO SUBMISSION: until February 16, 2025
ON-SITE FINAL: April 10, at 6 p.m.

Registration and payment

Make the payment together with your registration until February 2, 2025
Formalise your registration with payment

Participation fee TEDIS 2025


Send the video of the speech before 16 February, 2025


JURY awards
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd in English
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Catalan
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Spanish
  • Audience award in English
  • Audience award in Catalan
  • Audience award in Spanish

The JURY awards will receive a TROPHY and a paper diploma.

The AUDIENCE awards will receive a DIPLOMA on paper.

All finalists will receive a DIPLOMA of finalist in paper.

All participants will receive a DIPLOMA of participation in digital format.


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