Educational Evaluation
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Author: Johnson, D. & Johnson, R., Corwin 2003
Summary: The purpose of this book is to provide practical guidance on the use of cooperative learning groups as the context for group assessment, co-assessment, individual assessment and self-assessment. It offers a wide range of assessment procedures, the vast majority of which require a group context. Co-operative classroom environments allow students to care for each other and at the same time support their own and each other’s learning.
Author: Carles Monereo (Coord.), Graó 2009
Summary: How can the principles of PISA be used to bring about educational transformation? This book attempts to answer this question by showing, firstly, that assessment has decisive effects on student learning and teacher teaching and that, therefore, the competencies of the assessor are essential for an appropriate assessment of student competencies. Secondly, it presents a guide inspired by PISA principles for analysing and modifying assessment and teaching activities.
Author: Jackie Acree Walsh, ASCD 2022
Summary: This book explains how quality questioning by both teachers and students, and dialogue based on active listening between teachers, students and peers, serve as feedback and reinforce learning. The author explores how educators can use feedback to significantly improve student learning through constructive dialogue.