Tedis online 2020


22 April 2020

A more humane world is possible after Covid-19

Scientific evidence certifies that public speaking and debate have a very positive impact on the development of critical thinking in students.

By Ana Moreno


e are living through a pandemic with very painful consequences. Now, more than ever, the world needs us all to stand up together and come out stronger.

You too can help with your ideas while learning to defend them with conviction and to think critically.

Tedios online 2020 wants to give young people the opportunity to collaborate to transform the world into a better place for all humanity today and tomorrow.

Record your speech and participate!


Are you in 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of ESO and want to participate?

Follow the next steps:

  1. Think of a creative and effective idea to transform the world after Covi-19 to make it a better place for everyone.
  2. Write a 1 minute speech to defend it.
  3. Videotape yourself.
  4. Upload the video on YouTube and send us the link through the registration form before May 13
  5. Participate in the public vote for the 9 finalist videos Saturday May 16 from 9 to 6 pm to the account of Instagram @impulseducacio.
  6. Celebrate the awards live on the YouTube channel Impulso Educación on May 16th at 7pm.
  7. Help us spread the best ideas.


Enter your data and the link of your speech in the Tedis online 2020 form before May 13th.


The theme of your speech has to be around the idea “A better world is possible after covid-19”. It is about thinking of an idea to solve or improve some of the problems aggravated by the Covid-19 related to one of the ODS (Sustainable Development Goals). If you don’t know the ODS or don’t remember what they are, this video can help you ODS video.

The language can be Catalan, Spanish or English.

Before recording you, check the evaluation section that we have prepared, it will help you to prepare. Remember that it cannot be longer than one minute. Practice before as much as you want.


The jury will be made up of 5 expert public speaking teachers. All of them will evaluate the speeches presented with the published rubric. In this way, the 3 speeches per course will be selected and awarded prizes.

The prize for the First, Second or Third best speaker per course will depend on popular vote. The 9 speeches with the highest score to the rubric will be published to the user @impulseducacio of Instagram Saturday 16 May at 9 am because the public votes for them. According to the likes of each video at 6 pm will be given the final awards to be broadcast live from the channel YouTube Impulse Education at 7 pm.

At the end of the event, organizers, participants and friends will spread your great ideas because they will go far and bring hope to the world.

Related to: News, Project



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