Diàlegs magazine2024-12-18T11:30:12+00:00

Diàlegs magazine

Diàlegs, a magazine to educational news

Diàlegs is a digital magazine that was born with the desire to generate an enriching dialogue on current educational issues. Diàlegs aims to facilitate debate in a modern, dynamic and informative format with rigorous and quality content. Each copy have a central theme and have the collaboration and analysis of prestigious national and international experts through articles, interviews and reports that have a clear interest. The magazine is open to the participation of everyone who wants to collaborate. Each magazine number is prepared in advance and, after choosing the theme, a “call for papers” is broadcasted to give a large number of experts the opportunity to participate.

VOL. 5 · N. 1

Educating for being

Humanistic educational environments for the age of AI

Published issues

Preparing the next issue, do you want to collaborate?

On the occasion of the preparation of issue 7 of Diàlegs we are calling for contributions. Leading a good school is within the reach of many, but transforming it into an excellent school is only within the reach of a few. The survival of schools increasingly depends on excellence in educating citizens with a global vision, who are critical, ethical and committed to the common good. Much has been written about transformative leadership and teacher empowerment, and there is now sufficient knowledge and experience on what are the keys to leading an educational institution towards progressive and sustainable quality.

Leading the school of the future

From good education to excellent education

Call for papers

Do you want to participate? Send your contribution before 10 September 2025

You can choose to write an article for one of the following sections: Project, News or Experiences; or you can choose an opinion essay.

Send your collaboration to: revista@impulseducacio.org

You have until 10 September to take part in the new issue of Diàlegs about leading the school.


Articles have to be 1.500 words long. Authors should contribute:

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Author bio (40 words)
  • Photo of the author
  • Publishable email address (if desired)
  • Profiles in social networks (preferably Twitter and/or LinkedIn)
  • Bibliographic references

The citations in the text must be accompanied by their corresponding reference as a footnote. Data, figures or mentions to reports must be accompanied by their corresponding footnote. If you propose a highlight, it should be 30 words long.

Opinion essay

Opinion essays have to be 900 words long. Authors should contribute:

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Author bio (40 words)
  • Photo of the author
  • Publishable email address (if desired)
  • Profiles in social networks (preferably Twitter and/or LinkedIn)
  • Bibliographic references

The citations in the text must be accompanied by their corresponding reference as a footnote. Data, figures or mentions to reports must be accompanied by their corresponding footnote. If you propose a highlight, it should be 30 words long.

Send your collaboration to: revista@impulseducacio.org

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