Educational Technology
Miquel Àngel Prats
PhD in Pedagogy from URLMiquel Àngel Prats
Professor of educational technology and academic coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Leadership in Educational Innovation and Management of Educational Centres.
He has collaborated with Impuls in the Delphi report on educational technology and with an interview.
Juan Luis Fuentes
Doctor with European Mention in Pedagogy from the UCMAlberto González
Researcher at the Faculty of Education at UEXJoan-Anton Sánchez
PhD in Pedagogy from UABJoan Anton Sánchez
Professor attached to the Department of Didactics and Educational Organisation at the University of Barcelona (UB) and coordinator of the project “Inter-university proposal for initial teacher training in digital technologies”.
He has collaborated with Impuls in the Delphi report on educational technology and its roundtable.
Francisco José Recio
PhD Candidate Education UNEDBelen Palop
PhD in Applied Mathematics from UPCVanessa Esteve
PhD in Educational Technology from the URVDiego Vergara
PhD in Engineering from the USALDiego Vergara
Principal investigator of the ETUCAV Educational Technologies research group at the UCAV. His lines of research are the development of virtual resources with direct application to the teaching of various engineering subjects.
He has collaborated with Impuls in the Delphi report on educational technology.
Domingo Chica
Educational technology expertDomingo Chica
Expert in educational technology, active methodologies and classroom assessment to achieve a more effective, meaningful and attractive learning process, putting students at the centre of the learning process.
He has collaborated with Impuls on the Delphi report on educational technology.