Reading comprehension, an indicator of school success Gallery Reading comprehension, an indicator of school success Impuls Educació2023-03-02T11:17:01+00:00February 15th, 2022|Tags: Article, Comprensión lectora, Reading comprehension|
Learning strategies and creativity go hand in hand Gallery Learning strategies and creativity go hand in hand Impuls Educació2023-03-02T11:17:36+00:00January 27th, 2022|Tags: Article, Learning strategies|
Educating in critical thinking for transferability Gallery Educating in critical thinking for transferability Impuls Educació2023-03-13T14:04:38+00:00December 15th, 2021|Tags: Article, Critical Thinking, Currículum, Delphi, Pensament Crític|
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Public speaking and thetoric need to be given more relevance in schools Gallery Public speaking and thetoric need to be given more relevance in schools Impuls Educació2023-03-02T11:25:38+00:00May 20th, 2021|Tags: Article|
Did you know that critical thinking is key in education for the age of innovation? Gallery Did you know that critical thinking is key in education for the age of innovation? Impuls Educació2023-03-02T11:26:34+00:00March 26th, 2021|Tags: Expert educació, Publicaciones, Publishings, Report|
5 minds for the future that demand attention today Gallery 5 minds for the future that demand attention today Impuls Educació2023-03-02T11:29:30+00:00February 5th, 2021|Tags: Article|
Tribute to Sir Ken Robinson, a knight to the rescue of education Gallery Tribute to Sir Ken Robinson, a knight to the rescue of education Impuls Educació2023-03-02T11:43:12+00:00October 7th, 2020|Tags: Article|
Thinking-Based Learning, basic tool for competency-based learning Gallery Thinking-Based Learning, basic tool for competency-based learning Impuls Educació2023-03-02T11:44:33+00:00September 15th, 2020|Tags: Article|
Workshop “thinking to learn” by two great figures, Perkins and Swartz Gallery Workshop “thinking to learn” by two great figures, Perkins and Swartz Impuls Educació2023-03-02T11:48:35+00:00June 16th, 2020|Tags: Article|