
Impuls Educació

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New issue of Diàlegs magazine

Educating for being

Humanistic educational environments for the age of AI

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Interview with Joanne Quinn about Deep Learning

Tips for a Good Speech TEDIS 2025

Diàlegs magazine: Educating for being

Every person matters


Personalization brings value and quality to educational inclusion and equity. It puts the student in the centre, helps to make learning meaningful and of personal value and serves as an enhancer of new learning.

Citizens who question things


Educating citizens to live in a democratic society in today’s world implies promoting critical and creative thinkers, motivated to learn throughout their lives and capable of finding solutions that add value to complex problems.

Educating in the digital age


Technology is an increasingly essential tool, offering endless possibilities to help achieve current and future educational goals.

Diàlegs magazine

Delphi Report on Tecnology

24 experts worldwide participated in the Delphi report about “Educational technology, a key tool for a quality school in the digital area”.


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