Inclusion and human progress Inclusion and human progressShare16 March 2022 An equitable school where everyone matters equallyMAY 2022 Inclusion and human progress An equitable school where everyone matters equally DIGITAL DIÀLEGS PDF DownloadDIÀLEGS PRINTED Buy!Diàlegs May 2022 NUM. 3 Featured Articles Interview Melvin AinscowInterview Aula DesigualInterview Carmen AlbaOther Articles MªEugenia PérezTeisa DalmauPep Marés & Núria SerratMarga Acosta interviewPere Pujolàs legacyCristina LunaRafael MendiaIsabel Andrades & Paulina BánfalviSaray Gómez interviewBarbara Bray interviewPaulina BánfalviShareDiàlegs issues Subscribe Educating for being Gallery Teachers with impact effect Gallery Educating in the age of innovation Gallery Inclusion and human progress Gallery Revolution 4.0 is coming Gallery 12Next