Educational technology, a key tool for quality schools in the digital age


2 March 2023

Study on technology and educational quality

Artificial intelligence, Big Data, IoT, ChatBot, blockchain, the internet of things, 3D printing, augmented reality and virtual reality are just some of the technological advances of the 21st century. Technology is evolving at a dizzying pace, invading all areas of our lives, including education.

What role does technology play in quality educational transformation?
What digital skills do citizens, teachers and schools need?
What are the keys to effective integration of technology in schools?

To answer these and other questions, Impuls Educació has carried out a Delphi study in which 24 experts in Educational Technology participated. Each from their own perspective, whether pedagogical or technological, teaching or academic, has contributed to achieving a clear and precise consensus on many of the issues raised and to opening up new horizons in the school of the digital era.

Experts involved

  • Manuel Area Moreira (UL)
  • Jesús Acevedo Borrega (UEx)
  • Maria José Amador (Blog)
  • Teia Baus Roser (Les Alzines)
  • Domingo Chica Pardo (Blog)
  • Vanessa Esteve González (URV)
  • Pablo Fernández Arias (UCAV)
  • Maria Rosa Fernández Sánchez (UEx)
  • María del Rosario Freixas Flores (UNAM, México)
  • Juan Luis Fuentes Gómez-Calcerrada (UCM)
  • Alberto González Fernández (UEx)
  • Juan Francisco Hernández Rodríguez (Blog)
  • Susan Holmes (Nehru World School, India)
  • Pere Marqués Graells (UAB, Web)
  • Judith Martín Lucas (USAL)
  • Belen Palop del Río (UVA)
  • Miquel Àngel Prats Fernández (URL)
  • Inmaculada Pérez Prieto (Blog)
  • Francisco José Recio Muñoz (VIU)
  • Susana Regina López (UNQ, Argentina)
  • Joan Anton Sánchez Valero (UB)
  • Ángel Sobrino Morrás (UNAV)
  • Jesús Valverde Berrocoso (UEx)
  • Diego Vergara Rodríguez (UCAV)
The Delphi study on technology and educational quality is now available for download

Download report

Study presentation

On Wednesday 18 May, we presented the conclusions of this very current and necessary study and held a round table of experts.

The roundtable was moderated by José Manuel López, expert in educational technology and director of the Technology and Education Area at Institució Familiar d’Educació, and the participants were:

  • Miquel Àngel Prats Fernández. Teacher and Doctor in Pedagogy (URL). Expert in leadership in educational innovation with ICT support and digital competence. Author of “Viure en digital: Com eduquem per al món d’avui”.
  • Joan Anton Sánchez Valero. Doctor in pedagogy and coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Teaching and Learning Environments with Digital Technologies (UB). Expert in Educational Technology and digital competence. Co-author of “Aula virtual o cómo plantear las clases a distancia y no morir en el intento”.
  • Jesús Carilla Lacoma. Professor of New Technologies (UIC) and coordinator of the ICT area at Institució La Farga. Expert in the implementation of ICT in education.

If you were unable to attend, either in person or virtually, here is the presentation of the report:


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